Air Force ROTC photographs, 1994-2005.


Air Force ROTC photographs, 1994-2005.

The Air Force ROTC Photographs document the ROTC unit's training and activities at Oregon State University. The images depict cadets in their squadron units, formal cadet inspections, physical training exercises, participation in the Arnold Air Society/Silver Wings National Conclave, and a wedding in the Memorial Union. Photographs of a football game half-time show featuring the Silver Wings Drill Team and Color Guard are also included.Most of the items in the collection are color prints; a few b/w prints are included. About half of the photographs are in an album, with detailed descriptions, that was assembled by members of the Silver Wings Drill Team and Color Guard. These images depict the team marching in a parade as well as social activities.

1 box.

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Oregon State university (corporateBody)

United States. Air Force ROTC (corporateBody)

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